Monday, October 25, 2010

Fiesta, party party

The name of Ford’s new car is the Fiesta, if translated from Spanish to English it means party. The Ford Fiesta is fun, creative, innovative and full of positive energy. The commercial completely correlates to the car. It is colorful, has movement and is depicted in a city environment surrounded by a variety of people. The creative in Ford’s commercial is incredible. They were able to incorporate the different positive aspects of the car into the cities scenery. For example the side of a building and truck have the gas mileage and the umbrellas spell out hands free. Ford created a commercial that makes their new car look like it is in a parade when it is turned on, in reality I think Ford wants you to feel like you are in a parade and having a great time (party) when you are driving their car. I believe they got this point across. Ford’s Fiesta commercial makes me want to at least test drive a Fiesta and see first-hand what the experience is like. 

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